Oh we just couldn't stay away! Their funnel organ is generally W-shaped and adjacent to the short-lateral arms. The wunderpus is commercially important to underwater photographers, dive tourism and home aquarium trades. I have sometimes found active mimic holes by the presence of fire worms as they try to hang around in wait and steal food from mimics by bothering them when the octopus is simply trying to enjoy their meal at the relative safety of its home entrance. So, how do you tell the difference between a mimic and a wonderpus?
Starting at the bottom-left is the white-v octo and then a web-casting brown mimic. Text, images and video ã Christine Huffard 2006.. Hopefully these quick hints and photos below will help …
Other methods of tracking and identification include methods like tattooing but that puts the organism at risk so photo-identification is the best way to track this species.Chromatophores, in the case of cephalopods, are neuromuscular organs that contain pigment and function differently than in most other animals. When prey is encountered, they use their arms and suckers to hold onto the prey and remove it from its burrow. A Wunderpus Octopus filmed at Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. Another function of their chromatophores is intraspecific communication which facilitates their signalling to one another.Juvenile and para-larvae octopuses also have chromatophores called founder chromatophores, which are also sac-like organs that contain pigments in their skin. Researchers usually use naturally occurring injuries and/or scars to identify individuals but this technique does not work for long term identification. There are studies that suggest that the wunderpus octopus is known to impersonate animals like the In male wunderpus octopus, their reproductive organ (penis) is relatively short but strong. Each organ contains an elastic sac containing pigment which is attached to the radial muscle of the octopus. Wunderpus' from German “wunder” meaning ‘marvel or wonder’. ""Bruce was often present at meal time, and he is a wealth of knowledge about all things diving, especially Lembeh and critter identification. But Black Sand? My contorting it’s arms and changing color, this unique master of disguise can mimic the physical likeness and movements of more than fifteen …
The mimic octopus has the amazing and almost instantaneous ability to change its color, skin texture, arrangement of the arms around the body, and style of movement in order to mimic other creatures. Just last week I saw a report on TV about mimic octopus. The mimic tends to be larger and more muscular compared to the wonderpus. The founder chromatophores are prominent in juveniles and become more masked as the octopus approaches adulthood.The wunderpus octopus has small, subraocular eyes on top of elongated stalks protruding from its mantle. The chromatophores react to stimuli and facilitate interaction with their environment. There is little to no social behavior exhibited in the wunderpus octopus. ""We visited Black Sand for the second time because we could not have imagined having better hosts than Bruce and Fung as well the number and variety of great dive sites.
In contrast, when the octopus is in a relaxed state, the chromatophores will retract into the elastic sac.As these chromatophores interact with their environment, it enables the octopus to select, at any time, a particular body pattern. Of the few specific postures and behavioral patterns that have been observed of the wunderpus octopus, it is believed that they are impersonators of other animals. The dive staff was outstanding.
Also known as Mime Octopus, Mimic Octopus, Wunderpus.
Length - 23cm Depth - 0-20m Indo-West Pacific - Indo-Malayan Archipelago This wonderful Octopus is found on sea floors often buried in the sand with just the eyes showing. But if you see them side by side, the differences are obvious.
The dorsal arms of the wunderpus are the shortest, while the ventral or lateral arms are the longest. It was discovered in the 1980s and only officially described in 2006. Then a mimic and lastly a young wonderpus.So I hope that this helps when you next see a striped octopus and are not sure what it is.
They have a spermatophore storage sac located sub-terminally in the mantle, that takes up about 50% of the mantle’s length.the female wunderpus octopus has a large sub-terminal ovary with 4 follicular folds. Mimics often grab crabs too large to get down their hole, so must spend time dismembering their meal above the surface, while I have yet to see a wonderpus unable to get underground, even carrying food.The top row of pics are all wonderpus. When the octopus becomes aroused, the radial muscles contract which expands the chromatophores.
Seeing mistaken identity on TV and elsewhere does bother me though. The first method is the “probing” method, where the wunderpus octopus will extend their arms to crevices and holes to look for prey. IDENTIFYING THE MIMIC OCTOPUS (Thaumoctopus mimicus Norman and Hochberg, 2005) AND WUNDERPUS (Wunderpus photogenicus Hochberg, Norman, and Finn, 2006)All photos were taken in North Sulawesi, Indonesia with a Canon Powershot A620 (underwater housing, built in flash) . Found singly on sandy bottoms occupying burrows in deep sand over coral and rocky reefs They feed on crustaceans and fish. Great, but they showed footage of wonderpus, white-v and brown mimic and lumped them all under mimic octopus. An adult wunderpus octopus displays an individually unique pattern of white spots and bands over a rusty brown background. Just last week I saw a report on TV about mimic octopus. "This was a phenomenal dive trip and we will be back here on our next visit to Lembeh.
Over each eye is a conical papilla.
Some of these spots are fused.The wunderpus is also known for its ability to mimic other sea animals.
The mimic has white dots going down the length of each arm and a white “v” marking on the body (as does the white-v and the brown mimic, which are in the mimic family). This enables it for instance to camouflage itself and hide from their predators. The thin-walled mantle of the wunderpus octopus has weak musculature and wide aperture.The wunderpus octopus has a relatively small body and a flexible hydrostatic skeleton.
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