I reached for something to write about, but everything else seems unimportant right now.I’m a white person, speaking to other white people, and what I want to say is this: Don’t get defensive. This is our lives.I don’t know everything — about social justice or anything else. White silence perpetuates racial violence, and it’s not difficult to see if you take a closer look. White supremacy is a system of exploitation and oppression of people of color by white people for the purpose of maintaining a system of wealth, power, and privilege for white people. We may need to step out of our comfort zone and run for government offices, so that we can be the voice for those in the shadows.
The year is 2020. It looks like seeing someone of color treated differently and saying nothing.
Peaceful protesters are driven away with tear gas. I’m still learning as I go. It looks like making excuses for racist friends or family members, particularly older ones because “it was another time then” or “they’re just a product of their generation”.It looks like George Floyd murdered in the streets and still saying nothing — or, worse, saying the wrong things. But we are saying that you benefit from it. America today is truly only the "land of the free" for those who are in majority and it has been this way since the foundation of this country.There are those in the majority that like to point to the freedoms and benefits that have been given to those in the minority, but shouldn't those have already been freely given to them? So why does society value them less? This reality is one that cuts to my heart in a way that has made me realize that as a white woman I cannot simple remain quite on the sidelines. Protests and uprisings are covered by every major news outlets. "Silence is indicating complicity," she said. Considering recent events in Boston and Charlotte, I imagine the full meaning of "White silence is compliance" is probably "If you are white and don't speak out against white supremacists, you are a white supremacist" The rhyme scheme of the statement is reminiscent of protest chants. This statement is very scary to someone like me, because I am overwhelmed by what still needs to be changed in America. White feminism made sense to me. I know it hurts your feelings to think that you may be racist. I discovered the importance of intersectional and inclusive feminism. White silence on social media 07:10 Black people across the country have taken to the streets and to their social media feeds to plead through protest that … It’s not pie.
It looks like saying their names and drawing attention to the issues without ever doing anything to create actual change.To be silent is to allow the status quo to continue — to choose white comfort and privilege over racial equality.I know that it’s easier (for us) to be silent. Our President responds with dog whistles and threats of violence against citizens. So, speak up. This statement is very scary to someone like me, because I am overwhelmed by what still needs to be changed in America.As a woman born white in America, I can no longer tell only those around me about how things need to be changed. But because I am not unwilling to be educated, I read more and learned more. The change is coming and those of us who have remained silent will need to choose to either join the outcry or be left behind.Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission.Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our © 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. All rights reserved ( But don’t go to the front of the movement and try to gain the attention, taking it away from people whose experiences you can never fully comprehend. It’s not words scrolling across the screen of the next big action-packed blockbuster. Good. The explanation is a little easier. It was far from comfortable as I Today, I wake up and sit down to write.
Today, white people are increasingly being forced into recognizing themselves as an identity group and are being pushed into a call to activism by a divisive slogan that’s currently spreading like wildfire: white silence is violence. The country is tearing itself apart while the world watches.This isn’t the introduction to a book. Judge Askalani instructed our lawyers not to mention, in opening remarks, anything that would reveal our intentions for protesting. But there are a few things I know for absolute certain.This last one is uncomfortable for many white people. The very idea that anyone can stay comfortable while so many are suffering is an excellent example of White silence looks like hearing someone make a racist remark and saying nothing. If it not for the easy and quick access to the Internet would we have heard about the murders in Ferguson or New York?White silence equals white consent! A white woman, race educator Jane Elliot says to an auditorium full of people "I want every white person in this room who would be happy to be treated as this society, in general, treats our citizens - our black citizens - if you, as a white person, would be happy to receive the same treatment that our black citizens do in this society, please stand." Speak to other white people about their privilege. Get uncomfortable. It is sadly up to those in the majority to speak up for those in the minority. No one is saying you should hate the color of your skin or apologize for it. I know that you don’t want to believe it. I moved into feminist circles, but I kept it white. White silence looks like hearing someone make a racist remark and saying nothing. Borders are largely shut down due to the outbreak of a new and dangerous virus. It's the first time the white 36-year-old has marched for the cause, but staying home "is like sending the message that I don't care." It’s my job and what I do, but it’s also so much of who I am. Be an ally by supporting their work.
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