A colleague has OSMC set up on a Raspberry Pi, and a few months ago they reset the ssh password for user osmc. Ok your messages sound a bit confusing, buy assuming you want a clean install of your Operating system while keeping all the configurations that you have in your .kodi/userdata folder then your easiest approach would be to backup your .kodi folder install OSMC again with the installer and then copy backup onto the SD card. If it’s pretty much a vanilla untouched install then might be easiest all round to simply reinstall. username: osmc password: osmc. password = osmc It is highly recommended that users use the command passwd osmc to change this to a strong password of their choosing. They are using ssh osmc@ip but both the default pass and what they thought it was set to doesn’t work anymore. so i need to do a factory reset to osmc. (optionally) Crack open a beer when you realise you haven’t lost all your efforts.You can also hold down shift or CTRL to get to the Recovery console, mount as RW, and run passwd. Thanks. You are trying to connect to the wrong IP address or are entering the password incorrectly.Can you connect a keyboard and login to the console by hitting escape after exiting Kodi?This was the only two explanations I could arrive at also, but I checked and double checked the IP address. Unfortunately they’ve now forgotten what that password was, so can it be reset either via the GUI or some other way please? After entering my password it said “Access Denied”. By default, OSMC ships with the root user disabled, but allows privilege escalation with the sudo command. Follow the steps to recover your account. Obviously this is not really that appealing if you’ve done a whole load of customisation to it.Both passwords works OK till I ran update from My OSMC in the Kodi GUI…I ran, actually still running, the MCM over the video files on the NAS and I did not done any major configuration on the RPi2, so I guess overwrite the flash disk with OSMC imaage will the the fastest solution, isn´t it?as one of first things I did reset osmc user password, suddenly a week later, I cannot login anymore.
We can help you reset your password and security info. I spent yesterday on Google to searching for “How to reset forgotten password on osmc”, but I did not succeed.Please can somebody advise how to reset these passwords?Can you clarify a couple of points, as your original post doesn’t seem to make sense (there is no password reset facility in OSMC).There is no root password by default in OSMC - you should be logging in as osmc.You need to clarify how you are trying to log in, whether via SSH or via the local console.Have you done lots of configuration to it? Also when I go to network places in file manager I have message that key to osmc.local are different than for IP contact with system administrator and ask for password I write osmc and can access to samba shares of osmc (only Movies, TV Shows, Music and Pictures) If you don’t get an email: Check your Spam or Bulk Mail folders. Unfortunately they’ve now forgotten what that password was, so can it be reset either via the GUI or some other way please?They are using ssh osmc@ip but both the default pass and what they thought it was set to doesn’t work anymore.I also had a mysterious password fail during an upgrade, I had only just changed the password before the update, so I blame bad typing, however with the current build I had to:Finally remove init=/bin/bash from /boot/cmdline.txt and reboot, and you’ll be back in OSMC. You'll be asked some questions to confirm it's your account and an email will be sent to you. Exposing OSMC to the internet by port forwarding without changing the default password will result in your system being compromised by nefarious actors. I spent yesterday on Google to searching for “How to reset forgotten password on osmc”, but I did not succeed.
Add noreply@google.com to your address book. To reset your password, use the email that we send to your primary or rescue email address.
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