Find out if your Fitness Level is above or below the average for someone of your age with the Push Up Test Calculator!. %����
We said earlier that open-collector logic gates are ideal for driving loads that require higher voltage and current levels, such as an LED indicator.
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\[\begin{aligned} V_{signal} & \ge V_{supply(min)} - R_{pull-up} (I_{LKG(max,output)} + I_{IN(max,input)}) \ge V_{IH(min,input)} \\ \Rightarrow R_{pull-up} & \le {{V_{supply(min)} - V_{IH(min,input)}} \over {I_{LKG(max,output)} + I_{IN(max,input)}}} = R_{pull-up(max)} \end{aligned}\]\[\begin{aligned} I_{output} & \le {{V_{supply(max)} - V_{signal(min)}} \over R_{pull-up}} + I_{IN(max,output)} \le I_{OL(max,input)} \\ \Rightarrow R_{pull-up} & \ge {{V_{supply(max)}} \over {I_{OL(max,input)} - I_{IN(max,output)}}} = R_{pull-up(min)} \end{aligned}\]
a minimum and maximum value of the pull-up resistor.
endobj This discussion assumes you are familiar with the general principles behind pull-up resistors.The circuit being analyzed has two sides. endstream endobj o��N\�ȏ�.W�+��i���K�~���SUzy���W��Ǜf�=��g����2��b�����.�u��'�25��1�a��Ɓv�$1��1
f�,f{�r� <> The circuit in Figure 1 is analysed to find the maximum value for RPull-up… Voer hierbij het gewicht en de hoeveelheid herhalingen in van een zware set die je tijdens een training hebt gedaan – zo zwaar dat de laatste herhaling nog maar net lukte. The output side outputs an open-drain logic state, and the input side receives a push-pull logic state. �6}q����tX���PGPlU����&�`��
q�\&p���&���T�J(D��e�0`;/`���2�GL����wd[�,:y��������P��0�^v��t�*X�ѯ죅���n�u:�T�.��3A��� 0����D����|%7� ������T�N�s��I[Ϣ/Lc��5���Ҫ:M�@p EB��|X��M���c2D��]@O���l���0`�B�eg�5z��.�8�o��\�k��� ip�Ss���`��| ��>�uQF˥� ~L�W��(��_�,�a���=ii�) This calculator produces a range of values for a pull-up resistor that will satisfy specified current and voltage parameters of two ICs.
(Max) Fast Mode (Max) Fast Mode Plus (Max) Unit tr Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals 1000 300 120 ns Cb Capacitive load for each bus line 400 400 550 pF VOL Low-level output voltage (at 3 mA current sink, VCC > 2 V) 0.4 0.4 0.4 V Low-level output voltage (at 2 mA current sink, VCC ≤2 V) – 0.2 × VCC 0.2 × VCC V Bear in mind that pull-up resistor values also affect power dissipation in the circuit, as well as rise and fall times of logic signals; you should consider those effects when choosing a pull-up resistor value. �b�0A~�0ډ٠_�(� ���i�����jy)�6TXp�U������b���Gb���4�혘>?��ٗ\rd��ᶜ��� `���nz*�N��] This discussion assumes you are familiar with the general principles behind pull-up resistors.The circuit being analyzed has two sides. > Fitness Testing > Calculator. This calculator produces a range of values for a pull-up resistor that will satisfy specified current and voltage parameters of two ICs. Weighted pull-ups calculator! Maximum Pull-up Resistance The maximum pull-up resistance is based on the needed rise-time of the clock (dependent on the I2C clock frequency), and the total capacitance on the bus. Calculate your one-rep max (1RM) for any lift. If you are an inexperienced trainee you will likely find that this calculation overestimates your 1RM. 3�&D�~!�}���Z�I�0N:ØL�L�&���[O�n
�s��141�32sM�;ȓ��f8�������n'����n��'p�}҇�j:��,i�0��'�.��������G��X�/��rH��^�;��i���wM��F����*��w <> Handy tool for calculating value of bias resistor for a shunt voltage reference.
Continued adventures in creating a workable blogging toolchain. If I get tired at 6 or 7, I stop and shake my arms out, I get back up to the bar and keep going."
Pull Ups 1,096,000 lifts Push Ups 564,000 lifts Dips 433,000 lifts Chin Ups 256,000 lifts Bodyweight Squat 54,000 lifts Muscle Ups …
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��������5Ҁmu�*"�@��3�K9����V�G��L&8 ���%^������O@ Predicting One-rep Max. ���y��C���4����� Accuracy: The degree of accuracy will vary depending on your level of weight training experience.
Important Notes. One Rep Max Calculator.
It was wonderful! This will establish a range of values. The repetitions must be between 1 and 10. Weight Lifted. 5 0 obj �>Vƻh�a쭢��p�Y�1~��zsu�ތ#½��jJ�}�M#�Xk;Q�G
1RM Calculator – bereken je One Rep Max (schatting) Bereken/schat je one rep max (1RM – het zwaarste gewicht dat je één keer kan optillen) met behulp van deze simpele calculator.
x�mZ[n-;n��(�*zR�0�)Hh���@��>k�"%{��\�J")�U�z�'����~~�������C�W~��Uy��W��)e��ɳ=i���AF}F}���*dy�h�V�)��NO��Ϗ D�����O��b/�O����d�;cS'7W�e#��ׅ�'ωwʳ��^O_���d:�V~� Note that it is important to calculate a suitable pull-up resistor Rp as the current through the resistor must not exceed I OL(max). Pull Up Calculator for weighted pull ups. The only option is to err on the side of larger pull-up resistor values.This calculator and the discussion are based on information from \[\begin{aligned} I_{pull-up} & = I_{output} + I_{input} \\ V_{supply} & = V_{signal} + R_{pull-up} \cdot I_{pull-up} \\ \Rightarrow V_{signal} & = V_{supply} - R_{pull-up} (I_{output} + I_{input}) \end{aligned}\]\[\begin{aligned} I_{output} & = I_{pull-up} + I_{input} \\ V_{supply} & = V_{signal} + R_{pull-up} I_{pull-up} \\ \Rightarrow I_{output} & = {{V_{supply} - V_{signal}} \over R_{pull-up}} + I_{input} \end{aligned}\]In spring of 2016, I led an Electronics Workshop at the Yale School of Public Health.
The pull-up resistor must meet two criteria:In the first case (logic-high), the supply is sourcing current, output is leaking some current to ground, and the rest of the current is going to input:Component parameters that determine viable values of the pull-up resistor are:In the second case (logic low), the supply is sourcing current, output is sinking this current to ground, and input is leaking some current, which output is also sinking to ground:Signal voltage minimum is zero; other component parameters that determine viable values of the pull-up resistor are:However, since the relationship between output sink current and signal voltage is generally unknown, when maximum logic-low voltage for input is below the maximum logic-low voltage for output, there is no definitive way to calculate the range of viable pull-up resistors.
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