37 Gender Equality of Buddhist Thought in the Age of Buddha Toshie Kurihara Introduction I N different historical eras and geographic regions, the teachings of Buddhism, including those regarding women, have taken various forms. The early texts forbade any sort of sexual activity to monks and nuns, but in practice, in some Buddhist countries, heterosexual or homosexual liaisons involving monks have been accepted without great condemnation. One day, the Buddha went for a walk with Ananda. Having given up his material attachments, the Buddha achieved enlightenment, or nirvana, under a bodhi tree and proceeded to teach what he had learnt to a group of followers, from which it has eventually spread across the globe. Though Nidhi loved the Buddha very much, when he saw that he was coming his way, he turned downed a side road to avoid meeting him.The Buddha knew what Nidhi was feeling and why he wanted to avoid him, so he asked Ananda to continue walking straight ahead while he followed another path that would lead him right to the untouchable.When Nidhi saw that his attempt to avoid the Buddha had failed and that the Buddha was coming straight toward him, he turned this way and that, looking for some last place to conceal himself. Parallels between Buddhism and Feminist understanding of equality between race, gender, class, sexuality and nationality have only recently begun to be explored. Buddhists do not believe in “equality”. My Dharma is like clean water. Qualities exist in the world of duality, which is an artificial construct of a confused mind. I would never have imagined the Buddha would ever call me by my name!”The Buddha continued speaking, “Nidhi, will you come and be one of my monks?”Nidhi was shocked by what he thought he had heard. One visualization practice for monks, attributed to the Buddha, was to imagine the corpse of a beautiful woman as it deteriorated after death.According to some of Buddhist texts, women could not become enlightened, but must first be reborn as men. It was epoch making when Buddhism declared men and women equal in India where women traditionally were regarded as inferior to men. Buddhism's belief of understanding the truth of reality through practicing spiritual development. Deep in his heart, Nidhi had immense reverence and love for the Buddha. I will focus on the need for Theravada Buddhism’s current male leadership to clearly demonstrate its own commitment to MDG 3 through acceptance of the bhikkhuni ordination. While some male monks in Sri Lanka objected to this radical change in tradition, the ordinations were popular with the people, and the order of nuns was restored in Sri Lanka. Buddhists try to ensure that everyone is treated as such in society. One day, the Buddha went for a walk with Ananda. He said, “I am a low and filthy person, and I am not good enough to be one of your monks. Christians For a Better Christianity When the two reached the outskirt of the city of Sravasti, they saw an untouchable coming toward them carrying a bucket full of excrement.The untouchable, whose name was Nidhi, saw the Buddha and Ananda at the same time they saw him. One day, the Buddha went for a walk with Ananda. After the death of Buddhism's founder, Gautama Buddha, Buddhist monks, called "Hinayana" Buddhists, became conservative and authoritarian and began to make light of women as well as lay believers. In the late 20th century, a few Sri Lankan nuns came to the United States to be ordained at a Taiwanese temple. The untouchable, whose name was Nidhi, saw the Buddha and Ananda at the same time they saw him.
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