Soli Deo Gloria Using the NIV version of the Scriptures, look at these words: believed or believe, faith, grace, credited, promise, guaranteed! I don’t know how long poor Liberians will put up with such economic insanity.On a side note: I hope members of the Liberian Government could listen to Dr. PLO Lumumba (Director of Kenya School of Law) YouTube speech he delivered recently in Ghana. This is poor economic policy.Ha ha ha this is what people with Finance or Economic degrees call monetization..President Weah don’t be fooled with the idea that printing more money in Liberia will bring economy relief to know he country…No, it will what not. According to sources, this is the main reason for the President’s call on the Legislature to cut short their break to return before the festive season.In keeping with the Constitution, the legislature returns from the annual break in the second week of January but, due to the urgency government attaches to the approval of the new currency, the lawmakers have been asked to return on November 18.Article 32 of the Liberian Constitution states: “The Legislature shall assemble in regular session once a year on the second working Monday in January.”However, the ‘B’ part says: The President shall, on his own initiative or upon receipt of a certificate signed by at least one-fourth of the total membership of each House, and by proclamation, extend a regular session of the Legislature beyond the date for adjournment or call a special extraordinary session of that body to discuss or act upon matters of national emergency and concern. Enough of this crab syndrome!Stop comparing the incomparable! The frantic effort by this government to print new banknotes, cannot, in view of pending resolutions of immense folly the MOF and alleged financial fraud by the CBL, be seen as the earnest exercise of sound judgment.Madam Auditor General, the notorious Charles Taylor said before going into exile, ” Above all else ” the country , Liberia. That means that along with the Senjutsu, you have the potential to be the most powerful human in the element nations. He is always by our side. Listen: 6/25/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear.
Unfortunately, for those who … Find descriptive alternatives for waver. Text: Matthew 14: 22-33 All music covered by CCLI and OneLicense Streaming service.
this is our govt, we are all Liberians, we must think and decide rightfully for our country and children future. The General Auditing Commission (GAC), one of Liberia’s integrity institutions charged with the responsibility to audit all government entities, has sternly warned the government against printing of ‘new money’ or banknotes to replace the ones in circulation.According to an October 8, 2019 communication addressed separately to House Speaker Bhofal Chambers and President Pro-Tempore Albert T. Chie, the GAC called on both Houses not to accept the request made by the Executive, “because it will accordingly have an adverse consequence on the economy and the people.”A copy of both letters, signed by the Auditor General, Mrs. Yusador Gaye, is in the possession of the The GAC’s communication added, “I am strongly of the opinion that giving your approval to print more currency is unfathomable, but will be very misplaced, granted we are yet to understand all what happened at the last currency printing, as evidently, the US$25 million mop-up exercise does not engender much confidence in the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL).”The GAC continued: “In fulfillment of part of my constitutional mandate aimed at providing support to your oversight of financial management role, I firmly suggest that you do not waver on your resolve not to print additional Liberian currency/money at this time.”It can be recalled that in September 2019, President Weah sent a communication to both houses of the Legislature, calling for their approval to print new banknotes due to unaccounted currency infused in the Liberian economy.Acting upon the President’s request, the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, chaired by Grand Gedeh County Senator Marshall Dennis, quickly recommended Plenary’s affirmation. "Do not waver." Doing so would be “opposing the president”.MY TURN: Many well known countries resulted to printing monies that resulted to serious economic woes: Germany, for example had a couple currency snafus in the 20th century. I therefore urged the legislature to put country first by refusing to approved printing of new currency.Thanks to the Auditor General, her warning will go down into history, if Weah and his people will go ahead and print more bank notes. Not to mention Germany after world war II. Instead, her contention centers on the “lack of adequate internal controls” at a CBL “ill-equipped to function at its best” as evidenced by the handling of the L$16 billion … Favorite : It is important that we do not waver in our faith, even when we do not feel like it, or when things are not going our way. as the words enter his ears from their meeting, he comes out and say or do as they tell him because they are the brains and he is the body. I said Weah will never know what to do as president because he never knew what to do as senator for 3yrs and people stay voted for him. "How can you become Hokage when you can't even let go of one friend for the good of the village?"
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