Time to listen up, look history in the face, and surrender unjust privilege.
D.L. Hughley has announced his latest book SURRENDER, WHITE PEOPLE! Lucky for America, D.L. After 400 years of white supremacy in America, a reckoning is here. /gp/goldbox/355-8615173-3192006?pf_rd_m=AN1VRQENFRJN5&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_r=P369DR7AZD69WF8AE8XZ&pf_rd_r=P369DR7AZD69WF8AE8XZ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=b583c21b-6180-40b5-8bbd-48cac79d8815&pf_rd_p=b583c21b-6180-40b5-8bbd-48cac79d8815&pf_rd_i=465392 D.L.
Hope you have a sense of humor, because this is gonna sting.The legendary activist/comedian and author of the “hilarious yet soul-shaking” (Black Enterprise) bestseller How Not to Get Shot returns to address a nation on the edge of civil war.After centuries of oppressing others, white people are in for a surprise: You’re about to be a minority yourself. Hope you have a sense of humor, because this is gonna sting. It’s the Original King of Comedy from 3p-7p. The upside is that if you put D.L.’s plan into effect, you can FINALLY get black people to stop talking about oppression, discrimination, and their place in America.
Hughley wants to know why so many Americans are incensed by the tearing down of statues of pretty awful people, whose history of oppression is very clear. These are the terms of peace–and they are unconditional. 3pm,105 3 R&B is bringing you the DL Hughley show! アマゾンのAudibleストア。Audible(オーディブル)で、本を「朗読」で聴こう。人気作家のベストセラーから名作まで、プロの声優や著名人の朗読で楽しめる。スマートフォン・ タブレット・パソコンでいつでもどこでも、 ビジネス自己啓発から小説や落語、ライトノベル、英語コンテンツまで。 Surrender, white people! That’s something we can get behind.Reading this book is like sitting down with Dr. David Satcher to hear stories of leadership and lessons learned from his lifetime commitment to health equity.SiriusXM | Urban View Channel 126 Nationally 6am – 10am ET weekdays. These are the terms of peace–and they are unconditional. Chromebook は作業効率化を考えて作られた新しいタイプのパソコンです。動作が早く、ビジネスだけでなく家庭での利用やお子様のプログラミングなどの教育での利用にも最適です。Chromebook のご購入はAmazon.co.jp Our Unconditional Terms for Peace, which is set for release on June 30. Time to listen up, look history in the face, and surrender unjust privilege. Disney ツイステッドワンダーランド FAN BOOK With Jasmine Sanders. hilariously holds America account for its wrongs and offers his satirical terms for reparations and reconciliation.But it’s not all bad news, white folks. It’s time to lay down your unjust privileges and sue for peace while the getting’s still good. 僕は君の「熱」に投資しよう――ベンチャーキャピタリストが挑発する7日間の特別講義 本・書籍の通販ならアマゾン。 新刊から古本まで豊富な品ぞろえ。Amazonポイント還元本も多数。代引きやコンビニ受け取りも可能。Amazon.co.jpが発送する本は、配送料無料でお届け。本を買うならAmazon.co.jp。
Hughley has a plan.On the eve of America becoming a majority-minority nation, Hughley warns, the only way for America to move forward peacefully is if Whites face their history, put aside all their visions of superiority, and open up their institutions so they benefit everyone in this nation. Black and brown folk are not going to take a back seat anymore. Surrender, white people!
ジャパネットの社員が毎朝実践する ロングブレス 1週間即やせプログラム Hughley is hitting the airwaves in a big way. Surrender, White People! After 400 years of white supremacy in America, a reckoning is here. Amazon.co.jp 公式サイト。アマゾンで本, 日用品, ファッション, 食品, ベビー用品, カー用品ほか一億種の商品をいつでもお安く。通常配送無料(一部を除く) 【第163回 直木賞受賞作】少年と犬 (文春e-book) Comedian D.L. Yes, the face of America is getting a lot browner—and a reckoning is coming. 商品詳細ページを閲覧すると、ここに履歴が表示されます。チェックした商品詳細ページに簡単に戻る事が出来ます。商品詳細ページを閲覧すると、ここに履歴が表示されます。チェックした商品詳細ページに簡単に戻る事が出来ます。 But we can still have fun with this right?
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