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Blue Cut Fault in the center of the park can be seen from the hilltop behind Lost Horse Mine. While different from the nearby Near one of the open wells, this green hummingbird paused long enough so that I could take its photograph. In the above photo, Joshua trees can be seen growing in the distance, we are entering back into the Mojave Desert region.Vegetation gets much thicker and greener as I cross the blue cut pass plateau and into Pleasant Valley. Ascending one of the hillsides to get photos of other mountain ranges, I thought the ground would avalanche underneath my feet, if there were strong seismic activity.The San Jacinto mountain range can be seen in the left side of the above photo.
Why was it that I decided to hike 16+ miles along an earthquake fault line?
Much closer (and still mostly within the borders of JTNP) are hills of the Little San Bernardino range. After already hiking 9 miles, I’m reminded how much I dislike hiking uphill in the sand. Us USGS Malapai Hill, Calif. map for the region and don’t feed the coyotes. Lots of linesgo through, or are cut through, here: Cajon Creek, San Andreas Fault, railroads, highways, pipelines, powerlines. Refugees were kept here for a few days to a few weeks while authorities did background checks on the refugees.After the 1940s, many businesses prospered here as travel along Route 66 increased. Most of the 50 mile length exists within the boundaries of In the mid 1800s, there was a wagon mule trail that traversed through the area, providing passageway for miners transporting gold and mining equipment to and from railroads (in the Coachella Valley region) to the Lost Horse Mountains, the Hexie Mountains, and other nearby mining sites.When available, wildlife utilizes the water sources at the Pinyon Well site, a historic mining and milling area first developed in the 1800s.
During this trek, I took mostly photographs of things that don’t move too quickly (like rocks).It would be easy to miss it, but the above photograph identifies the remains of an asphalt section of road that was built along the pushawalla trail. The fault forms the straight, abrupt base of the Hexie Mountains east of Queen Valley. Other than birds, coyotes and jackrabbits, I saw very little wildlife during the day I did this hike.
Sometimes worse than the live ones (like shown above), are the millions of needle sharp spines from dead cactus, lying on the ground and waiting to puncture the flesh at your ankles.
It’s not that difficult to hike to and the area is quite significant archaeologically. While I’ve yet to encounter a mountain lion in Joshua Tree National Park, I’ve come across the remains of at least a half dozen desert big horn sheep while on hikes in the Pushawalla area.
The fault forms the straight, abrupt base of the Hexie Mountains east of Queen Valley. Thanks to the terrain, you can’t just leisurely walk around this area looking for gold nuggets without the risk of being stabbed numerous times in the process (by a cholla).There are few Joshua trees across the blue cut landscape, but the silver cholla cactus (Opuntia echinocarpa) is abundant, and the spines can be sharp as daggers. There are some spectacular hikes to be had on that mountain as well. I’ve kicked up more bones in this region than any other in JTNP. I intended to stop for a break at the nearby rock pile, but moments after laying down my pack, red fire ants had ascended on my gear. When I-15 was built in the 1960s, many of those businesses closed and the buildings disappeared.The monument covers a lot of history in a small space as you can read below.FREE! Blue Cut (2,602') is the name of a road cut through blue-gray colored rock, the Pelona schist on Historic Route 66,Cajon Boulevard.
Even though the early October weather was perfect for animal activity, it wasn’t my lucky wildlife day. A 40° swing in temperature is not uncommon for these parts.Rock formations in Joshua Tree are fascinating and some of the rocks along the blue cut fault are estimated to be over 1 1/2 billion years old. C . erinacea) growing in the region compared to the silver cholla, which was quite abundant throughout my hike. What stories this small spot could tell! I think old-time miners left behind sardine tins and other trash, just so we could more easily locate their historic sites of gold and silver glory.I’d be lying if I didn’t say I haven’t many times thought about stumbling across a chunk of gold while hiking Southern California deserts, inspired by a story about a miner that one supposedly found a gold nugget the size of his fist, on nearby lost horse mountain. while shaking off all my gear, I again heard nearby coyotes curiously making their way towards my location. This monument marks the site of the Blue Cut rest area on Route 66. You could sa… Stories of fires and of earthquakes, stories of cars and trains, stories of travelers coming and going, stories in rocks and in routes. Blue Cut Fault Wash
This bluish rugged hillside is the San Andreas Fault. This is never a place I’d recommend someone hike for pleasure, it’s moderately strenuous and the hazards are numerous, but the solitude makes it worth the journey for me.Pinyon Well, prospects, ruins, and an old guzzler site can be seen on the topo map above. It was named for the bluish tint on the rugged hillside to the south. Even the most innocent appearing desert plants can be sharp enough to cut into our clothing and/or skin.Plant eating wildlife in the region appears to find plenty to provide themselves with nourishment. Veins of white quartz can be spotted along some of these hillsides as well, but they’re not as easy to see from a distance as mine tailing piles.
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