Geogr. He proceeded to Tripoli by way of Malta, where he was treated with marked attention by the governor, the Marquis of Hastings.
He organised and commanded a large native force on the frontier during the greater part of 1823, in the course of which he frequently engaged and defeated the Ashantees. Of his subsequent movements there is no detailed information. See also Thomas Nelson's Memoirs of Oudney, Clapperton, and Laing, 1830; Quarterly Review, 1830, No. LAING, ALEXANDER GORDON (1793–1826), African traveller, born 27 Dec. 1793, was eldest son of William Laing, A.M., of Edinburgh, by his wife, the daughter of William Gordon of Glasgow Academy, writer of an English translation of Livy and of various educational books. We would welcome any information that adds to and enhances our information and understanding about a particular portrait, sitter or artist.How do you know this? The Gallery holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world. Like voting is closed.
Early in 1822 Sir Charles MacCarthy, the governor of Sierra Leone, where Laing was serving with his corps, despatched him into the Kambian and Mandingo countries to ascertain the disposition of the natives regarding trade, and their sentiments respecting the abolition of the slave-trade. 298, xxii. If you have information to share please complete the form below.If you require information from us, please use our We digitise over 8,000 portraits a year and we cannot guarantee being able to digitise images that are not already scheduled.There are occasions when we are unsure of the identity of a sitter or artist, their life dates, occupation or have not recorded their family relationships. As he and his group found many kind locals along his travels, he ran into some who attacked his party and during one raid on his caravan he lost an arm and was wounded dozens of times. Sometimes we have not recorded the date of a portrait. He was taught by his father, William, the founder of a school of classical education, before studying at …
A few corrections have been made here from war office sources. Soc. … If they inspire you please support our work. ii., with a portrait from a painting in the possession of the family. There Alexander …
Alexander Gordon Laing is a popular explorer from Scotland. Search over 215,000 works, 150,000 of which are illustrated from the 16th Century to the present day.Can you tell us more about this person? London, are in vol. To attain this object permanently, Laing, after his return to Sierra Leone, undertook a second journey, and for six days was without shelter by day or night. Make a donation Close. We'll need your email address so that we can follow up on the information provided and contact you to let you know when your contribution has been published.National Portrait Gallery, St Martin's Place, London, WC2H 0HENational Portrait Gallery, St Martin's Place, London, WC2H 0HE The ordinary route was deemed unsafe, and, after a tedious and roundabout journey of a thousand miles through part of Fezzan, the travellers reached Ghadamis on 13 Sept. Laing was well received. On 16 April 1822 he began a journey through the Timmannee and Kooranko countries to Falaba, the capital of Soolima, where he had learned that abundance of gold and ivory was to be found. Alexander Gordon Laing have position among the list of 531 famous Explorer. Two days later he set out for Timbuctoo, in company with Babani, a sheikh of good repute, who undertook his safe conduct thither in ten weeks' time.
He struggled for breath as an unfurled turban was tightened around his throat. Universelle, under ‘De Caillé’ and ‘Laing, Alexander Gordon;’ and Johnston's Dict. GORDON LAING'S trip to the mysterious city almost 200 years ago was one of hardship, intrigue and danger, but details of his incredible journey have only … lxxxiv. In October 1823 he was ordered to join his corps on the Gold Coast, in consequence of the menacing attitude of the Ashantees. On 10 Jan. 1826 he quitted Ensala, and a fortnight later entered the flat, sandy, cheerless desert of Tenezaroff. Late in 1824 Laing received instructions from Lord Bathurst to undertake an expedition, by way of Tripoli and Timbuctoo, to ascertain the source and course of the Niger.
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